Find Your Niche

Find Your Niche

To attain success in your career or business, positioning yourself effectively within your market or industry is essential. Identifying your niche is crucial, and there are key personal considerations to explore. While seeking divine guidance for optimal positioning, tangible efforts in the natural realm must not be overlooked. Firstly, it’s vital to ask God for...

God Will Not Listen

God Will Not Listen

Earthly authorities, rulers, and entities wield significant power in our world, yet their influence has limits, especially concerning God’s chosen: the Blessed of the Lord, the Ambassadors of Christ. Being blessed renders you beyond reach. God did not listen to His prophet, Balaam when he attempted to curse the children of Israel at the request...

The Blessed Of The Lord

The Blessed Of The Lord

The Blessed Of The Lord This year, view things not through last year’s lenses but from the perspective of “The Blessed of the Lord”. Embrace this year with a faith so bold that it overcomes any challenges to your goals. Your strength lies not in yourself, but in the Lord and His mighty power. You’re...

Your Good Life

Your Good Life

Looking back at people who have made the best of the previous year, one can be tempted to begin to take a cue from them not knowing how they arrived at where they are; good or bad. There are many believers, so to say, who are not living righteously but have success stories and because...

Occupy Your Space

Occupy Your Space

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, reminds us that those of us baptized in Christ have put on Christ. Faith has immersed us into Christ (Gal 3:27). Therefore, whatever God has mandated Jesus Christ to fulfill on earth, we, as Christ’s Ambassadors, are empowered with delegated authority to execute on earth. When...

The Gift Of Time

The Gift Of Time

In life, two elements that we cannot change and must manage wisely are TIME, (Ephesians 5:15-17 ESV), and CHANGE. The way we handle our time and adapt to change significantly influences the trajectory of our lives. Time is a precious gift from God, given to us to fulfill a specific purpose He has in mind....

Renewed Hope

Renewed Hope

“When you do not receive the things that you hoped for, it makes you sad. But when you receive what you have always wanted, you are very happy” (Prov 13:12 EASY). Many people are very happy that the year has finally come to an end. Some are joyful because their year ended with pleasant things,...