Looking back at people who have made the best of the previous year, one can be tempted to begin to take a cue from them not knowing how they arrived at where they are; good or bad. There are many believers, so to say, who are not living righteously but have success stories and because of this they don’t think there is a need for them to change. “People who are guilty should receive their punishment quickly. If that does not happen, other people also want to do evil things.” (Eccl 8:11 EASY)
When one focuses on such, there is a tendency to want to learn from them as one plans for a new season, the scripture teaches us differently saying “…But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them” (2Tim 3:14 KJV) Focus on the things you have been thought in the Lord. These are the things that will take you through this new season and give you your good life. As you have been holding on to the things of righteous living, you have been in the process of building your best outcomes.
It is only the principles of God found in His word that can last forever and work in all situations. In pursuing your desired outcomes let the word of God be your guide and dictate to you. Use the wisdom from His words, not the wisdom from the world. Your desired outcomes for this year will be your reality. In Jesus’ Name Amen. “People who do lots of wicked things may live for a long time. But if someone respects and obeys God, they will surely enjoy a good life”. (Eccl 8:12)
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